Cross Border Business Service

CrossBorder Business Advisory ServicesBiz Venue Cross Border Business Services. We are specialist in cross border Small, Medium and Corporate Deals, Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Partnerships, we are known for “getting the deal done.” We will help you identify and connect with the right opportunities and ideal partnerships in South Africa and beyond. At BizVenue we have the expertise to guide you through due diligence investigations, taxation law, company law and environmental compliance.Read More

Incubator And School Of Business

Incubator And School Of BusinessThe Biz Venue Business Incubator is a multi-faceted business incubation services and solutions facility.Our Business Incubator is a rapid growth and success geared, multifaceted entrepreneurial hub based in Rivonia. Our packages and services are designed to address the needs and requirements of a wide range of business enterprises. Read More

Financial Services

Financial ServicesThe Biz Venue School of Business. Our School of Business is all about nurturing start-up, entrepreneurs, fledgling businesses and business managers at every level. The school offers various short and long term programs which include short courses such as our own mini MBA program and various accredited long term certificate and diploma business courses. Read More

Business Rescue

Business RescueThe Biz Venue Distressed Business Turnaround Program. Is your business taking strain and facing the threat of collapsing? The key to a successful business turnaround and business rescue lies in having the right people around the table – at the right time, and taking the best, most practical course of action that is in the interest of the business and all its stakeholders. Read